Azeroth Beauty Pageant winners!

Hey Kiddo's, As not all of you were able to witness it in all its gloriousness, here's a little report. First of all, let me welcome Maby to the world of raiding with us. It was an absolute joy to have you with us and we hope we'll see you raiding with us more often (therapy not included! ;-) ) We started the night with Lace, so he could set the tone: This was formal wear! After Lacers we saw Mishi take a stab at the title: Mishi looking so delicious Turalyon was ready to pounce! Because I'm an idiot I threw my notes away about how she'd go about world peace. I'm pretty sure it involved her raid instance. Yeah. Moving on, we had Maby join us as well! This foxy lady (hehehehe /insert Sideshow Bob laugh) wowed us mostly with the politest reply to the question how she'd get world peace: you wait politely until they leave the planet and send a note asking to please stay away. With this answer, she was the winner of the question round. T...