
Hi kids,

Here we are again with an update for you. A summary:

- Recruiting
- Flasks and the gbank
- Mainswapping
- Who does what


We know lots of you have been saying it already, we've now started working on it. Kaa has been updating our WoWprogress page and made a post on the forums and he'll monitor that. At the moment we're not inclined to spam general chat.
We also extended an open invitation to the Bloodied Goats to join us for raiding. They are a roleplaying guild but Vatina has joined us a few times already, and of course most of you have also seen Vóssler in action. Their officers have posted it on their Discord but it doesn't seem like anyone is interested so far.
Other than that, feel of course free to recruit your friends and family or enemies or whatever to the guild as well!

Flasks and gbank donations

Flask usage has improved, but let's not forget battle potions. We need to prepot, and we expect you to carry these battle potions too.
Other than that, we've mostly had flasks because of cauldrons, courtesy of Bado. Donations and attendance to herb runs have been zero these past few weeks and most herbs are gone. Same goes for food. Please donate to the gbank, please donate. It's not okay to rely on Bado's goodwill and drive to get the bosses down.


A kind reminder you need officer approval to swap mains. Swaps will need to be approved by the officer team, not just one officer.

Who does what 

We've had a few questions where members need to address concerns or questions or just a general "who's who". So a short breakdown:

Lacers: Guildleader, Raidleader + callouts during raids, Recruiting, general guild things, Guild Dad

Daworg: Assistant Raidleader, Tactical Master and Callout Things during raid, Chieftain of Snacks, #BuffGuardian

Kaa/Nexiax: Overlord Healer, Healing Rotations, Healing Callouts, Recruiting, Voice of Reason

Mishiara: Emperor of Steel aka Tank Rotations, Raid Assistant, general guild things, Puns

Anna: Recruitment, general guild things, Guild Mom (= HR department ;) Talk to me if there's anything on your mind, good or bad).

Estray: Sultan of Discord, do-er of the admin things

General guild things = tidying ranks like put people on alt rank if needed for example. You can talk to any officer about most things. If anything's going on, if you need a break, whatever - please talk to us. Our door's always open.


Lacers, Daworg, Kaa, Mishiara and Anna


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