
Hi Kiddo's,

Let's talk about achievements after tonight's succesful takedown of Argus. We were all nicely focused and finished the raid with more than half an hour to spare! I'm sure that in no time, we'll also have the heroic Antorus on grind.

Daveth wanted us all to be reminded of our superawesome achievement of - and this is important! - UNKNOWINGLY drawing a penis while dieing horribly on the Avatar in the Tomb of Sargeras. And he is right, we should commemorate this glorious event. So here it is, folks, the picture we all need to treasure forever:

So behold it, in all it's glory. And let us never forget.

Remember this as well, kiddo's: 15th of August till 19th: real life guild meeting in Antwerp, Belgium. For Néma, that's a country on its own accord ;)
We don't expect you all to be there for 4 days but Wednesdays tend to be cheaper days for travel and weekdays are usually cheaper too.

Give Mishiara or myself (Anna) a tell when you've booked your tickets or if you have any questions/concerns/activity ideas or requests.




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