Steel Legion conquers Antorus!

Hi kiddo's,

It took a while because my attention span was equal to that of a goldfish, but here it is then!

We struggled for a while with Coven (grief counseling for those who miss the hours of wiping on that available in the local psychiatric ward), but after that it was pretty smooth sailing. After giving Aggramar a taste of his own medicine, we moved on to Argus.  Luckily for my sanity, not too many weird Japanese sentences had to be uttered when he revived us just to kill us again and BOOM, he was dead once more!
I know this is a rather brief summary and a rather shitty screenshot. I didn't realize until I just saw it, so next time more posing and better graphics. And a more detailed lamentation about kicking this boss.

This succesfull campaign wouldn't have been possible without Lacers' patient and calm guidance, Daworg's tanking skills or Mishi's sexy - oh wait, that's something else. On a more serious note, thank you to each and every one of you who have stuck with us during these straining fights. Perhaps you were unable to be there for this first kill, but you should know that we would not have gotten that without the training and dedication we've all put in. So thank you all for being there, showing up knowing it would suck and still doing your best to get through it.

We're also happy to see some familiar faces again like Vertecs and Melija.
Néma also found the time to rejoin our ranks. I personally didn't know her before but she seems marvellous. Her return has also brought us purple glowy tank bear Jazzfrezi, whose name I'll probably never write fully again. As Daworg goes by Bad Bear, Jazz shall be known as Good Bear.
Also joining our ranks is Pupuc! He found us while checking progress and after raiding with the top guilds, he's now decided to take things a bit slower. He also completes Fionna's dream healing team, so I suppose that is an added bonus to his outgoing personality :)
I hope all of you feel at home in our little community! Make yourselves at home and if there are any questions, we're here.
 Just to give you an overview of who's who, here's a very short overview:

Guildmaster: Lacers
Officers: Daworg, Mithlin, Keyata, Blight (but to be fair, only Daworg is active at the moment)

Most of us have a lot of alts in the guild but there are notes and I believe most of us strive to have a semi-recognizable name for our alts.
I'm Anna, but I go by Guildmom too. While not entirely certain what has earned me this rank or title - maybe the "OMG FOCUS" and "LET PEOPLE FINISH THEIR SENTENCES" on Discord among other things - but I wear it proudly. If you have any questions, concerns, real life or gamewise, know that you can talk to any one guildmember. We all try to be there for each other, which is what has kept me with Steel Legion for a long time now.

Enough sappy talk though. Thanks for reading! If any of you have friends that would like to join, talk to Lacers or Daworg for now please. We're always happy to have others join in the madness!

- Guildmom out.


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