BfA raiding

Dear all, 

With BfA around the corner, we’ve come together as officers to have a chat about how we’d like to do better. Most of the things we’ve discussed and agreed upon as rules, won’t be new to you. With the end of the expansion, we’ve not enforced these. When we start raiding again, we will be a bit more strict. Please know we all very much want to keep our relaxed and chill mode of raiding. We also want everyone to have fun while doing decent progress. So to keep it pleasant for all of us, here’s what we’d like you all to take into account when it comes to raiding: 

Be on time. If you sign up for a raid, you know we’re relying on you to be there. Work and other  events sometimes prevent that, and that’s okay. Just always let an officer know you’ll be late. Be at the instance at 20:00 the latest, don’t rely on warlocks or summons the entire time.

Come prepared. That means: look up the tactics, come with enchants, gems, pots and buff food. For your real life needs, have snacks and drinks. Break will still be at 21:30 server time. If you need to go afk during the raid, try and let us know beforehand. If something happens, you need to step out - let us know. 

Addons: Big Wigs or DBM are a must. Keep them up to date. Angry Assignments is also a must. Weakaura’s/recall and the like are encouraged but not mandatory. 

Discord: no-one is going to make you talk but you have to be in the channel to be able to listen to the tactics, shout outs and announcements. 
Keep in mind Lace and/or officers/healers/tanks will be shouting things for the fight. During the fights, especially at learning stage, please keep quiet. 

Loot: All loot is personal loot, that’s just how the game works.
The system for loot you don't need will remain as we’re maintaining it now: main > offspec > alt > mogs

Mains: we understand that sometimes, you’re really tired of playing a character or class. Of course you’re still allowed to swap mains, but talk to us about it beforehand. 

Alts: we’re assuming everyone will have one main and use their common sense if they want to change mains. The rule as it was will remain standing as well: if you’d like to bring an alt, make sure it’s properly geared and ask beforehand if you can bring it. Please do it beforehand, not just minutes before the raid. If you do bring an alt, make sure your main is outside of the instance in case you need to swap.

Guild resources: Lace has enabled guild repairs for the raiders. We’re also keeping the system as it was before but expanding a bit upon it. We’d like to invite you all to donate resources to the guild bank that we can use for raiding. That means herbs, of course, but all material is welcome. Don’t have a gathering profession? No problem! In your daily grind there’s always stuff to kill that yields supplies to make food. We’ll provide where we can, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. The rule “be prepared” (cue theme music) still applies.
Once a month, we’ll hold an event to grind for the materials like herbs and food. While attendance isn’t obligated, it would be nice if you attend so we can stock up fast and all get on with our days.

We WILL be monitoring all of the above. We’ve set up a system where notes will be made. 

So, how will this system work? 
There are a few stages: 
Three strikes: a chat with an officer about why and how you missed the mark 
Five strikes: we’ll bench you for a raid to get the issue(s) resolved. 
Seven strikes: you’ll be taking a break from raiding with us.

Any ideas, suggestions, …? Talk to us! As a reminder, here’s an overview of the currently active officers:

GM/Bad Puns: Lace Officers: Daworg Fionná Mishiara Anna

Thanks for your time everyone! We look forward to crushing the next raids with you!
Lacers, Daworg, Fionná, Mishiara & Anna


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